Monday, August 13, 2012

He Answered

From the book cover:
Lia finally had it all figured out. That was until that one traumatic day. A day that would change everything. Nothing would ever be the same again. No normal, rational thinking person would do that, would they? Could they?

My Review:
I really enjoyed L.V. Robinson’s writing style, I just wish she had put a bit (okay, fine, a lot) more detail into this book. There isn’t really a point to this story, lesson to be learned or inspiration to harness, it’s just one woman’s story; and it’s not even that unique a story.

Robinson opens with the climactic scene of Lia being removed from the home she shares with her leave-in boyfriend and their blended family. From there, we flash back to a seventeen-year-old Lia who has just moved into an apartment a few blocks away from her family’s home. Robinson then quickly takes us through the decisions that bring Lia to the opening scene. This entire novelette is 62 pages long with medium font and loose line spacing. A lot of important yet amazingly flat characters are introduced. Even Lia the main character is a mere skeleton of a character. All the reader really knows about her is that she believes in God. The title, He Answered, is a reference to God answering Lia’s prayers.


About the book:

He Answered by L.V. Robinson

ISBN: 978-1-4327-8450-8

Publisher: Outskirts Press

Date of publish: December 2011

Pages: 69

S.R.P.: $9.95

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